Monday, December 6, 2010

How Can I Have Less Time Now than When I worked?

 It's almost 4 pm and this is the first time I have sat down all day.  First to American Canyon for my Curves workout (M-W-F) then a stop on the way home for milk, and to drop off my two gifts for institutionalized seniors at Kaiser before I got home to finish decorating the tree and get rid of the explosion of tissue paper, discarded broken ornaments, wire ornament hangers, empty boxes and bins left from decorating before the appraiser came to do the appraisal for our refinance (more on that later).  OF COURSE he had to come the day before the housekeeper comes (more on that later, too) so I was just rewinding the vacuum cleaner cord when he showed up.  Then fixed lunch  -- the last of the turkey into turkey salad, and the rst of the vegetable soup (for me) and the potato/cheese soup (for Rod).  Pretty proud of the fact that I have not had to throw out ANY Thanksgiving leftovers -- they have all been eaten, except for a little dab of stuffing.  Then putting the icicles, candy canes, and garlands on the tree and wrapping a couple of gifts that need to get into the mail.

Then finally reading the paper and finally coming upstairs to the computer.

So how in the hell did I actually survive when I commuted to Concord every day for the past eleven years? How did I ever accomplish anything?  I do remember that I usually spent the entire weekend on laundry, yardwork, grocery shopping, and MAYBE cooking, and that I was always tired.  And I sometimes took a nap on Sunday afternoon, and toward the end of my employment, almost EVERY Sunday afternoon. I am not tired any more,despite the fact that Bailey will not let me sleep past 7:30 even on weekends (he is up in my face purring and bumping his head against my hand to be petted.  If that doesn't work, he swats my face with his paw.  And I must admit I do more for myself these days -- working out for at least 45 minutes 5 days a week, cooking much more, having reams more patience all the way around.  And I am SO not sweating the small stuff.  Maybe some of this has to do with age, because when I was younger (way younger) I also did all kinds of crafty things -- from sewing to painting, to quilting and crocheting.  Most of that has gone by the wayside, although I DID make sachets with the lavender I brought back from Provence and I DID make a valance and matching cupboard curtain my my mother in law just this past week.  So as I write this -- I see the pattern.  Jeez, I AM HARD ON MYSELF!  Time to relax. 

So about the appraiser and the refinance -- he walked through the house taking pictures and measuring the size of the rooms.  When he asked about the age of the house I had to tell the whole story of how the house started out as a WWII Duplex in Benicia and was barged up the Napa River and hauled up the hill and plopped down here in 1963, then remade into a single family home.  Then the garage and master suite over the garage added in 1988, and finally our kitchen red in 2004.  It kinda hurt my feelings that he was not more impressed by my awesome kitchen, though.  But when this is all done, we will have a new loan with payments about $100 per month cheaper AND TWO YEARS SHORTER!!!!!  We may actually get this house paid off before we die!  Imagine that.

So about the housekeeper.  I have kept two indulgences that I started when I worked -- a weekly housekeeper and a twice monthly fingernail maintenance regime.  I adore my housekeeper even though she is pricey, because she is so thorough,  I have not scrubbed a toilet in YEARS (thank God).  As for my nails, I got a set of acrylic nails for my wedding to Rodthecarguy in1993, and I have kept them up ever since.  This is sheer heaven for a person who used to bite her nails to the quick.  In the summer time, I even get pedicures once a month or so, and I would do that just for the chance to sit in one of those amazing massaging spa chairs.  AAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Break time is almost over, and I do need to get back to wrapping presents and thinking about dinner.  But just one more kinda interesting thing -- I heard on the radio this morning that currently one in five divorces cites Facebook as a contributing factor.  Seems hooking up online with old flames turns into more than just reminiscing and some people actually believe in "the one that got away".  I can definitely see the temptation to make more of these things than they deserve, especially if your marriage is rocky to begin with.   And there is not a thing wrong with a good fantasy.  But people who are grounded in good relationships don't need to worry. Still, it's something to think about -- cyber cheating!!!!!  One more reason I don't do Facebook!!!!!!

Life is good. I feel calmer now.

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